Scientific - Educational Center of
(Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis)
since 1989
SHS Center has been established in 1989 in order to launch
scientific integration of Institute of High-Education (National
University of Science and Technology «MISIS») and academic science
(Institute of Structural Macrokinetics
of Russian Academy of Science) in the field of Self-Propagating High-Temperature
Synthesis (SHS). Nowadays the SHS Center is a multidisciplinary research
center located at the Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys. SHS
Center research activities focus mainly on material science, technology
and applications of advanced composite materials and new coating and film
systems. This is achieved through our research and development program
Scientific Activity
Every year educational activity includes graduate training in following courses: Physical-Chemical and Technological Principles of Synthesis of Inorganic Materials in Combustion Regime, Structural Macrokinetics, Technologies of SHS. Education and training of postgraduate students is achieved by their involvement in the research and development programs. Training also carries out in the frame of VINF (Virtual Institute of Nanostructured Films) ( of EXCELL FP6 project). 27 staffs including 4 Dr. Sc. and Professors, 9 PhD and Assoc. Prof., 14 engineers and technicians, 6 post-graduates, 12 students are working now in SHS-Center. In the last two decades the SHS-Center has been awarded by a number of international awards in the field of SHS and surface engineering: CRDF, INTAS, NATO-Russia, EUREKA, ISTC, UK Royal Society, FP6, FP7. The expertise and research leadership of SHS-Center is evidenced by above 600 publications on mentioned fields of expertise in referees national and international journals, books, proceedings, and multiple patents and know-how on the technologies. The team of SHS-Center collaborates with leading research centres in the USA, Europe, Asia, and Japan. Staffs of SHS-Center are members of International Association on SHS (SHS-AS), Int. Committee on SHS, European Joint Committee for Plasma and Ion Surface Engineering EJC/PISE, International Advisory Committee of FGM, Int. Committee on Plasma Surface Engineering, Int. Committee on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, Int. Committee of World Ceramic Congress CIMTEC. ... 
Итоги XV Международного симпозиума «SHS-2019»

Предлагаем Вашему вниманию публикацию немецкого издательства Leuze Verlag о результатах прошедшего XV Симпозиума (формат PDF, язык нем./англ.) |
SHS Center Awards
Awards of SHS Center of MISIS from 2006 year
Our equipmentSector of Electro-Spark Alloying (ESA) and Thermo-Reactive Electro-Spark Surface Strengthening (TRESS) Technologies
Complete Set “ALIER 302 METAL” (micro-computer equipped)
Hardening of rolled cylinder
Sector of Coatings Characterization and Testing
Tribometer, CSM Instruments, Switzerland
Tester, CSM Instruments, Switzerland
microscope AXIOVERT with digital camera ...
Force Microscope with Sclerometry Hardness Measurment Unit, Russia
Rotation speed:
0.03-1500 rpm
Friction force: up
to 10 N
Maximum normal load: 60
Balls: SiC, Al2O3,
Si3N4, WC+6%Co, Steels
(For hardness measurements
under elastic and plastic deformation)
... and special software for
image analysis
Read more:
- New Booklet of SHS-Center in 2019 year, [PDF],
English version, 52.0 Mb
- Booklet of SHS-Center in 2013 year, [PDF],
English version, 1.0 Mb
- Booklet of SHS-Center in 2012 year, [PDF],
English version, 1.0 Mb
- Course “Multicomponent nanostructured coatings. Nanofilms”
The authors: D.V. Shtansky, E.A. Levashov, Ph. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev,
M.I. Petrzhik, Yu.S. Pogozhev, I.A. Bashkova, E.I. Zamulaeva, K.A. Kuptsov,
A.N. Sheveiko
Курс «Многокомпонентные наноструктурированные покрытия. Наноплёнки».
Авторы: Д.В. Штанский, Е.А. Левашов,
Ф.В. Кирюханцев-Корнеев, М.И. Петржик, Ю.С. Погожев,
И.А. Башкова, Е.И. Замулаева, К.А. Купцов, А.Н. Шевейко
format, 0.63 Mb
- "Advanced Technologies, Materials and Coatings Developed in
Scientific-Educational Center of SHS", Eugen G. Leuze Verlag,
Galvanotechnik 9/2009, [PDF]
format, 1.8 Mb
- Booklet "Научно-учебному центру СВС МИСиС-ИСМАН - 20 лет",
[PDF], Russian version,
28.4 Mb
- Booklet "Analytical Complex for Precision Investigations of
Physical-Chemical and Tribologycal Properties of Surfaces and Thin Films",
Russian version, 1.3 Mb
- Booklet "НУЦ СВС. Итоги за 2009 г.", [DOC],
Russian version, 1.5 Mb
- Booklet "НУЦ СВС. Итоги за 2008 г.", [DOC],
Russian version, 0.9 Mb
- Booklet "НУЦ СВС. Итоги за 2007 г.", [DOC],
Russian version, 0.3 Mb
24.01.2020. Гран При в конкурсе «Аспирант года-2019»
получил аспирант кафедры порошковой металлургии и функциональных покрытий Воротыло Степан. Подробнее... |
XV Международный симпозиум по самораспространяющемуся высокотемпературному синтезу «SHS-2019»

2018 Silver Medal - Hong Kong International Invention and Design Competition

30 октября 2018 г. проф. Левашов Е.А. награждён Почётной Медалью имени академика Г.В.Курдюмова

Медаль «За вклад в развитие РАЕН»

Диплом и золотая медаль Салона «Архимед 2015»

В 2014 г. проф. Левашов Е.А. удостоен правительственной награды «Почетный изобретатель г. Москвы»

13th Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovation Technologies "ARCHIMEDES - 2010"
29 March - 2 April
As "The Best invention in the sphere of nanotechnologies" is recognized the "Composite electrode materials for producing coatings dispersion-strengthened by nanoparticles"...
European Master School in Russia
Modules IV and II (part 2) "Mechanical applications and optical characterization of Nanofilms" co-organized by State Technological University "Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys" and Institute of Spectroscopy of Russian Academy of Sciences will be held on October 19-23, 2009 in Moscow and Troitsk (Moscow Region)...
20th Anniversary of Scientific-Educational Center of SHS
International Workshop "Synthesis and Commercialization of Advanced Nanostructured Materials and Coatings" devoted to 20 years Anniversary of Scientific-Educational Center of SHS MISIS - ISMAN (SHS-Center) on 22 october of 2009 year ...
2019 year
2019 year
2015 year
2014 year
17 july of 2013 year