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Research Program Areas

Research Program Areas
The research program of SHS Center is operating trough three major research areas:

  1. SHS of advanced materials

    1. Composite and functionally-graded target for PVD
    2. Electrodes for electro-spark alloying (ESA) and thermoactive electro-spark surface strengthening (TRESS) methods
    3. Diamond-containing materials
    4. Synthetic hard instrumental materials
    5. Refractory ceramics for metallurgy
    6. Porous permeable materials
    7. High-temperature composite materials based on the system NiAL

  2. Development of advanced film and coating systems

    1. Superhard multicomponent nanostructured films;
    2. Advanced wear- and corrosion-resistant coatings;
    3. Self-lubricating coatings;
    4. Multilayer and functional coatings;
    5. Nanostructured thin films for biomedical applications;
    6. Electronic, magnetic and optical thin films

  3. Structural Characterization

Read more:

  • "Advanced Technologies, Materials and Coatings Developed in Scientific-Educational Center of SHS", Eugen G. Leuze Verlag, Galvanotechnik 9/2009, [PDF] format, 1.8 Mb
  • Booklet "Íàó÷íî-ó÷åáíîìó öåíòðó ÑÂÑ ÌÈÑèÑ-ÈÑÌÀÍ - 20 ëåò", [PDF], Russian version, 28.4 Mb
  • Booklet "Analytical Complex for Precision Investigations of Physical-Chemical and Tribologycal Properties of Surfaces and Thin Films", [PDF], Russian version, 1.3 Mb
  • Booklet "ÍÓÖ ÑÂÑ. Èòîãè çà 2009 ã.", [DOC], Russian version, 1.5 Mb
  • Booklet "ÍÓÖ ÑÂÑ. Èòîãè çà 2008 ã.", [DOC], Russian version, 0.9 Mb
  • Booklet "ÍÓÖ ÑÂÑ. Èòîãè çà 2007 ã.", [DOC], Russian version, 0.3 Mb


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