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  1. A.V. Bondarev, Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, D.A. Sidorenko, D.V. Shtansky
    A new insight into hard low friction MoCN–Ag coatings intended for applications in wide temperature range
    Materials & Design, 2016, Vol. 93, P. 63–72

  2. Daria Sidorenko, Evgeny Levashov, Pavel Loginov, Nataliya Shvyndina, Elena Skryleva, Aleksey Yerokhin
    Self-assembling WC interfacial layer on diamond grains via gas-phase transport mechanism during sintering of metal matrix composite
    Materials & Design. Vol. 106, 15 September 2016, P. 6–13

  3. Daria Sidorenko, Pavel Loginov, Evgeny Levashov and Leon Mishnaevsky Jr
    Hierarchical Machining Materials and their Performance
    MRS Bulletin, 2016, Vol. 41, P. 678-682

  4. I. Konyashin, A.A. Zaitsev, D. Sidorenko, E.A. Levashov, S.N. Konischev, M. Sorokin, S. Hlawatschek, B. Ries, A.A. Mazilkin, S. Lauterbach, H.-J. Kleebe
    On the mechanism of obtaining functionally graded hardmetal
    Materials Letters, Vol. 186. – P. 142-145

  5. D.V. Shtansky, A.V. Bondarev, Ph.V., Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, D.A. Sidorenko
    A new insight into hard low friction coatings intended for applications in wide temperature range
    ICMCTF-2016, San Diego, 25-29 April, 2016, United States, P. 47.

  6. Зайцев А.А., Сидоренко Д.А., Логинов П.А., Рупасов С.И., Маратов А., Левашов Е.А.
    Особенности разрушения и структуры металломатричных композитов, полученных из механически легированных порошковых смесей Fe–Ni–Mo
    Сборник тезисов LVII Международной конференции «Актуальные проблемы прочности», 24-27 мая, 2016 г. / СевГУ. – Севастополь, 2016. – C. 244.

  7. Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, M.V. Lemesheva, I.V. Yatsyuk, D.A. Sidorenko, K.A. Kuptsov, A.V. Bondarev, D.V. Shtansky, E.A.Levashov
    Effect of nitrogen on structure and properties of hard Zr-Si-B-(N) thin films
    E-MRS SPRING MEETING, May 2-6, 2016, Lille, France (EE.1.6 abstract on memory stick)

  8. E.A. Levashov, A.A. Zaitsev, P.A. Loginov, D.A. Sidorenko, Yu.S. Pogozhev, Zh.A. Sentyurina, S.I. Rupasov, M.I. Petrzhik, V.N. Sanin, V.I. Yukhvid
    Hierarchical Cr-containing high strength NiAl alloy produced by centrifugal SHS casting and vacuum induction remelting. Book of abstracts
    XV International Conference On Integranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials (IIB 2016), May 23-27, 2016, Moscow, Russia, P. 47-48

  9. D.A. Sidorenko, E.A. Levashov, P.A. Loginov, N.V. Shvyndina, E.A. Skryleva
    Phenomena of interfacial spontaneous chemical reactions – trend to improve the diamond tools ability? Book of abstracts
    XV International Conference On Integranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials (IIB 2016), May 23-27, 2016, Moscow, Russia, P. 71

  10. Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, M.V. Lemesheva, I.V. Yatsyuk, D.A. Sidorenko, K.A. Kuptsov, A.V. Bondarev, D.V. Shtansky, E.A.Levashov
    Hard nanocomposite Zr-Si-B-(N) coatings with enhanced wear- and oxidation resistance. Book of abstracts
    XV International Conference On Integranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials (IIB 2016), May 23-27, 2016, Moscow, Russia, Р. 144

  11. D. Sidorenko, E. Levashov, P. Loginov, N. Shvyndina, E. Skryleva
    Functionally graded diamond-containing composite materials: manufacture, properties, performance
    ISFGMs 2016 Proceedings, September 18-22, 2016, Bayreuth, Germany, P. 36.

  12. Sidorenko D., Levashov E., Loginov P., Shvyndina N.
    Coating of Diamond Grains During Sintering Process of MMCM with WC Nanoadditives. VI Международная конференция с элементами научной школы для молодежи «Функциональные Наноматериалы и Высокочистые Вещества»
    Суздаль. 3-7 октября 2016 г./ Сборник материалов. – М: ИМЕТ РАН, C. 184.

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