- Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, E.A. Levashov, Yu.S. Pogozhev, A.V. Bondarev, A.Yu. Potanin, D.V. Shtansky
Nanocomposite and amorphous MeSiBN (Me: Mo, Zr, Cr, Al, Ti) coatings with extremely high oxidation resistance
Abstracts of the XII Intetnational Conference on Nanostructured Materials (NANO-2014), Lomonosov Moscow State University, July 13-18, 2014, p. 277
- Yu.S. Pogozhev, E.A. Levashov, A.E. Kudryashov, E.I. Zamulaeva, A.V. Novikov, А. Yu. Potanin
Composite SHS Materials Based on Titanium Carbide and Nikelide Doped with a Refractory Component
Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals, 2014, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 83–91
- E.I. Zamulaeva, E.A. Levashov, Yu.S. Pogozhev, T.A. Sviridova, M.I. Petrzhik, A.E. Kudryashov
Formation of Protective Coatings on Steel Kh12MF by the Force of the Sequential Electric Spark Treatment by Boride and Carbon-Containing Electrodes
Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals, 2014, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 205–211
- E.A. Levashov, Yu.S. Pogozhev, M.I. Petrzhik, A.Yu. Smolin, S.V. Gromov, D.V. Shtansky
Verification of operability of software module on nanoindentation of bioactive nanostructured coatings on titanium alloys
International Workshop «Modeling and development of nanostructured materials for biomedical applications. February 6-7, 2014, IMDEA Materials Institute Madrid, Spain, p 39
- E.A. Levashov, Yu.S. Pogozhev, A.Yu. Potanin, N.A. Kochetov, D.Yu. Kovalev, N.V. Shvyndina, T.A. Sviridova
Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of advanced ceramics in the Mo–Si–B system: Kinetics and mechanism of combustion and structure formation
Ceramics International 40 (2014) 6541–6552
- E.A. Levashov, E.I. Patsera, A.Yu. Potanin, Yu.S. Pogozhev, V.V. Kurbatkina, N.A. Kochetov
Peculiarities of Combustion and Structure Formation Routes in Multicomponent SHS-Systems with Participation of Gas Transport Reactions
13th Int. Ceramics Congress (CIMTEC 2014), 8-13 June 2014, Montecatini Terme, Italy, CB-9.1:IL02
- А.Ю. Потанин, Е.А. Левашов, Ю.С. Погожев, Д.Ю. Ковалев, А.В. Новиков
Особенности структурно-фазовых превращений в волне горения многокомпонентных СВС- систем Mo–Si–B, Cr–Al–Si–B
Нанотехнологии функциональных материалов (НФМ’14): Труды международной научно-технической конференции. - СПб.: Изд-во Политехн. ун-та. 2014. 324-330 с.
- A.E. Kudryashov, E.I. Zamulaeva, Yu.S. Pogozhev, O.S. Manakova, O.N. Doronin, E.А. Levashov
Advanced materials and approaches in electrospark deposition
Abstracts of 7th International Conference on Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics (MSCMP 2014),Chisinau, Moldova, September 16-19, 2014, p. 291
- V.N. Sanin, D.M. Ikornikov, D.E. Andreev, V.I. Yukhvid, E.A. Levashov, Yu.S. Pogozhev
Cast NiAl/Ni20Al3B6 composites by centrifugal SHS
International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis, 2014, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 232–239
- Yu.S. Pogozhev, A.Yu. Potanin, E.A. Levashov, D.Yu. Kovalev
The features of combustion and structure formation of ceramic materials in the Cr–Al–Si–B system
Ceramics International 40 (2014) 16299–16308
- A.Yu. Potanin, Yu.S. Pogozhev, E.A. Levashov, D.Yu. Kovalev, A.V. Novikov
Features of structural and phase transformations in Mo–Si–B and Сr–Al–Si–B systems during self-propagating high-temperature synthesis
Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal 16 (2014) 53-58
- Ю.С. Погожев, А.Ю. Потанин, Е.А. Левашов, Д.Ю. Ковалев
Особенности горения и структурообразования керамических материалов в системе Cr–Al–Si–B. Известия ВУЗов
Порошковая металлургия и функциональные покрытия. 2014. № 4 С. 19-29
- Yu.S. Pogozhev, A.Yu. Potanin, E.A. Levashov, A.V. Novikov, T.A. Sviridova, N.A. Kochetov
Synthesis of high-temperature Mo5SiB2-based ceramics in the combustion mode
Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals, 2014, Vol. 55, No. 6, pp. 632–638