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Comparative DSC-study of Ni70Mo10P20 and Zr65Al7.5Cu17.5Ni10 metallic glasses in Tg-Tx temperature range
Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing v A226-228 Jun 15 1997 Elsevier Science S.A. p 474-478.
- Molokanov, V.V.; Shcherbakov, A.I.; Petrzhik, M.I.; Mikhajlova, T.N.; Aronin, A.S.; Andreeva, T.E.
The effect of isothermal annealing at temperatures above the glass-transition temperature on the cathodic efficiency, structure, and properties of Ni70Mo10P20 and Ni70Mo10B20 metallic glasses
Zashchita Metallov v 33 n 2 Mar-Apr 1997 p 149-152 0044-1856 (in Russian)
- Abrosimova, G.E.; Aronin, A.S.; Zver'kova, I.I.; Kir'janov, Yu.V.; Molokanov, V.V.; Petrzhik, M.I.
Nanocrystalline structure formation in the Ni-Mo-B system
Surface Investigation X-Ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques v 12 n 7 1997 Gordon & Breach Science Publ Inc p 861-867.
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Plasma sprayed amorphous Fe80B20 coating
Fizika i Khimiya Obrabotki Materialov n 1 Jan-Feb 1997 p 118-119 0015-3214 (in Russian)
- Aronin, A.S.; Abrosimova, G.E.; Zver'kova, I.I.; Kir'janov, Yu.V.; Molokanov, V.V.; Petrzhik, M.I.
Structure of nanocrystalline Ni58.5Mo31.5B10 and structure evolution at heat treatment
Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing v A226-228 Jun 15 1997 Elsevier Science S.A. p 536-540.