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  1. V.V. Kurbatkina, E.I. Patsera,E.A. Levashov
    Combustion synthesis of ultra-high-temperature materials based on (Hf,Ta)B2. Part 1: The mechanisms of combustion and structure formation.
    Ceramics International, 2019, Vol.45, Issue 3, p. 4067-4075

  2. V.V. Kurbatkina, E.I. Patsera, D.V. Smirnov, E.A. Levashov, S. Vorotilo, A.N. Timofeev
    Combustion synthesis of ultra-high-temperature materials based on (Hf,Ta)B2. Part 2. Structure, mechanical and thermophysical properties of consolidated ceramics based on (Hf,Ta)B2.
    Ceramics International, 2019, Vol. 45, Issue 3, p. 4076-4083

  3. Курбаткина В.В., Е.А Левашов, Е.И. Пацера
    Технологическое горение, гл. 11 Получение методом СВС сверх тугоплавких карбидов
    Коллективная монография под общей редакцией ак. С.М. Алдошина и чл.-кор. РАН М.И. Алымова ISBN 978-5-90703683000025 изд. РАН, Москва, 2018, 611 с .

  4. E. A. Levashov, V. V. Kurbatkina, S Vorotilo, Yu. S. Pogozhev and E. I. Patsera
    Prospective SHS composites for high-temperature applications
    IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 558 (2019) 012025IOP Publishing

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