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Personal Information

  1. Surname : Kiryukhantsev-Korneev
  2. Given Names: Philipp Vladimirovich
  3. Academic Degrees: B.D, M.D., Ph.D, Dr. Habil.
  4. Address:

    Office: Scientific-Educational Center of SHS, Moscow State Institute of Steel & Alloys
    (Technological University)
    Leninsky pr.4, 164, Moscow, 119049, Russia,
    Tel.: (495)-230-4659.
    Fax: (495)-955-0026

  5. Date of Birth: May 24, 1978
  6. Citizenship: Russian
  7. Family Status: Married, three children
  8. Education (Degrees and Diplomas):

Degree, Title
No. Month & Year Awarded
Doctor of Science (Doc. Habil.)
February 2023
Powder Metallurgy & Composition Materials
National University of Science and Technology «MISIS»
November 2004
Powder Metallurgy & Composition Materials
Moscow State Institute of Steel & Alloys (Technological University)
May 2004
Powder Metallurgy & Composition Materials
Post-graduate Course at Moscow State Institute of Steel & Alloys (Technological University)
Master's Diploma
February 2001
Powder & Composition Materials, Coatings
Department of Rare Metals & Powder Metallurgy. Moscow State Institute of Steel & Alloys (Technological University)
  1. Employment:
Data Position held
From September 2023 Department of Powder Metallurgy & Functional Coatings NUST MISIS Professor
From 2020 Laboratory “In-situ diagnostics of structural transformations” Scientific-Educational Center of SHS National University of Science & Technology “MISIS” Head of Laboratory
From June 2017 Scientific-Educational Center of SHS National University of Science & Technology “MISIS” Leading Research Scientist
From November 2007 Department of Powder Metallurgy & Functional Coatings
Moscow State Institute of Steel & Alloys (Technological University)
Associate Professor
6 November - 6 December 2006, September 2008 Laboratoire de Science et Genie des Surfaces. Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine. France Researcher
June 2006 – May 2017 Scientific-Educational Center of SHS
Moscow State Institute of Steel & Alloys (Technological University)
Senior Research Associate
1-30 April 2006 Dipartimento di Meccanica, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy Researcher
1-30 July 2005 Department of Engineering Materials, Sheffield University, UK Researcher
January 2005-May 2006 Scientific-Educational Center of SHS
Moscow State Institute of Steel & Alloys (Technological University)
May 2004- January 2005
Scientific-Educational Center of SHS
Moscow State Institute of Steel & Alloys (Technological University)
Leading engineer
May 2001-May 2004
Scientific-Educational Center of SHS
Moscow State Institute of Steel & Alloys (Technological University)
Post-graduate Student
September 1995- February 2001 Department of Rare Metals & Powder Metallurgy. Moscow State Institute of Steel & Alloys (Technological University) Student
  1. Title of Master's Thesis:
    Development of technology of SHS-synthesis and vacuum reactive sputtering of SHS-targets TiSiC, TiBAl, TiBSi, TiSi, TiBCr.
  2. Title of Ph.D Thesis:
    Development of hard wear-resistant nanostructured coatings in systems Ti-Si-N, Ti-B-N, Cr-B-N, Ti-Cr-B-N.
  3. Title of Dr. Habil. Thesis:
    Production of multifunctional ion-plasma coatings using SHS composite materials
  4. The Field of Scientific Interest:
    Surface engeeniring (magnetron and ion sputtering, arc evaporation, ion implantation, PACVD, electro-spark deposition, HIPIMS etc.). Materials science of thin films and coatings (hard wear-resistant, heat-resistant, low-friction, biomedical coatings etc.). Nanostructured/nanocomposite materials. Coatings characterization (structure characteristics, hardness, elastic properties, adhesion strength, tribological propertiest, wear-resistance, thermal stability, oxidation resistance etc.). Spectroscopic studies. Optical emission spectroscopy. Fourier transform infrared and Raman spectroscopy. Plasma diagnostics.
    Surface engeeniring (magnetron and ion sputtering, arc evaporation, ion implantation etc.). Materials science of thin films and coatings (hard wear-resistant, heat-resistant, low-friction, biomedical coatings etc.). Nanostructured/nanocomposite materials. Coatings characterization (structure characteristics, hardness, elastic properties, adhesion strength, tribological propertiest, wear-resistance, thermal stability, oxidation resistance etc.). Spectroscopic studies. Optical emission spectroscopy. Plasma diagnostics.
  5. Awards Received:
    1. 2001 – 1st Place in All-Russian students contest (First All-Russsian Competition of Diploma Projects and Diploma Papers in the Field of Metallurgy)
    2. 2003 - Diploma at Russian school-seminar on structural macrokinetics for young scientists (Chernogolovka, Russia)
    3. 2004 - Member of International Association of Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis
    4. 2005 - Head of the project "Multicomponent nanostructured coatings for industry and biomedicine, prepared by ion implantation assisted magnetron sputtering", funded by the Federal Education Agency (Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation).
    5. 2006 - Grant of EGIDE (France)
    6. 2007, 2011 - member of European Materials Research Society
    7. 2010 - Head of the P1248 project "Development of technology of pulsed high-energy ion-plasma deposition of superhard nanocomposite coatings using SHS-targets", funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation
    8. 2010 - Grant of of Program of Creation & Development of NUST "MISIS"
    9. 2010 - Diploma for Leadership of students work ("METALLURGY-2010")
    10. 2011 - Grant of of Program of Creation & Development of NUST "MISIS"
    11. 2012 - Grant of of Program of Creation & Development of NUST "MISIS"
    12. 2012 - Grant of Presedent of Russian Federation
    13. 2013-2015 – Head of the 13-03-12129 Project funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR)
    14. 2015-2017 – member of Materials Research Society (MRS)
    15. 2015 - Winner of the competition of scientific photos “Endless Science” in NUST “MISiS” (work “Beauty of phase transformations”)
    16. 2016 - Diploma of RUSSIAN FEDERAL SERVICE FOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (Rospatent) in nomination "The 100 best inventions of Russia"
    17. 2016 – member of European Materials Research Society
    18. 2017 – Certificate of Associate Professor form the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation
    19. 2018 - Medal of NUST MISIS of the third degree for impeccable work.
    20. 2020 – Head of project “Development of hierarchically structured discrete-reinforced and dispersed-hardened thermostable materials for heat-loaded units of advanced rocket and space technology” of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
  6. 2022 - Winner of the NUST MISIS competition "Teacher of the Year 2022" in the nomination "Scientific Breakthrough of the Year"
  7. 2023 - Gratitude from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
  8. 2024 - Member of the Russian Vacuum Society
  9. Since April 2024 - member of the Russian Ceramic Society
  1. Supervision and co-supervision of students:

    Brilev Dmitry (Diploma, competition of ROSOBR, 2010), Bondarev Andrey (Diploma, competition of METALLURGY, 2010; ALCOA prize, 2009), Erikov Alexey (2013), Shkuratov Artem, Andreev Sergey (2011-2013), Tishenko Gleb (2010-2013), Sachko Natalia (2013), Trukhanov Pavel (2011-2014), Lucie Gaouyat (from France, 2009-2010), Aude Chabrelie (from France, 2005-2006), Vicent Ripoll Agullo (from Spain, 2005-2006), Liu Zhiyong (from Chine, 2012), Phiri Josphat (from Zambia, 2012-2014), Meurisse Alexandre Rene Jacques (from France, 2013-2014), Konstantin Parzian (from Kazakhstan, 2014), Amanbay Sarsekeev (from Kazakhstan, 2014), Alexey Vergunov (2014-2015), Zhanseric Zhabagin (from Kazakhstan, 2015-2017), Margarita Lemesheva (2015-2017) (winner, second place in the competition " 71 Days of Science NUST MISIS"), Alexey Zakharov (2017-2018), Bereke Tynysov (from Kazakhstan 2017-2019), Alina Sytchenko (2017-2019) (winner, second place in the competition " 74 Days of Science NUST MISIS", winner, second place in the Lomonosov competition, 2021, winner of “Young scientist” competition, METAL-EXPO 2021, the winner of the competition for a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation to graduate students (full-time students in priority areas of economics), order No. 3335st of 11.07.22.), Geoffrey De Medts (from France, 2018), Zhazira Amankeldina (from Kazakhstan 2018-2019), Evgeny Bashkirov (2018-2019), Nurkhan Alan (from Kazakhstan 2019), Mukhtar Gilimbekov (from Kazakhstan 2019-2020), Vasily Belyaev (2019), Sandugash Kabildina (from Kazakhstan 2020-2021) (winner, second place in the competition " 76 Days of Science NUST MISIS"), Matvey Zasipkin (2021), Roman Vahrushev (2021-2023) (winner, second place in the competition " 78 Days of Science NUST MISIS", 2023), Fedor Chudarin (2022-2024), Vladimir Dranitsa (2022-2023), Yulia Vypritskaya (2023-2024) (winner, third place in the competition " 79 Days of Science NUST MISIS").

    PhD-students: Alina Sytchenko (Chertova) (2020-2024)

  2. Publication activity:

    ÐÈÍÖ: 344 publications, 3012 times cited, H-index 32
    157 publications in journals, 2323 times cited, H-index 29
    204 publications, 2857 times cited, H-index 34

  3. Patents and know-how: 23

  4. Journal Referee: Applied Surface Science, Materials and Design, Surface and Coatings Technology, Tribology International, Thin Solid Films, Vacuum, Russian Journal of Non-ferrous metals, Non-ferrous Metals, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters). Journal of Manufacturing Processes , Metals, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Advances in Tribology, Materials. Nanomaterials. Optics and Laser Technology. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, Carbon, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Diamond and Related Materials, Molecules, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Journal of Advanced Ceramics, Surface and Interfaces, Intermettalics, Materials Letters.

    Total number of reviews: Elsevier: 31 (Appl Surf Sci), 67 (Surf Coat Technol), MDPI: 44, Springer: 5, Ore and Metals: 11

  5. Member of Editorial Board:

  6. List of Publications: 601

  7. In mass media:

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