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Personal Information

  1. Surname : Bychkova
  2. Given Names: Marina Yakovlevna
  3. Date and place of birth: 16/08/1985 Karaganda, Kazakhskaya SSR
  4. Nationality: Russian
  5. Family Status: Married
  6. Address:

    Office: Scientific-Educational Center of SHS
    National University of Science and Technology "MISIS"
    Leninsky pr.4, 164, Moscow, 119049. Russia
    Tel.: (499) 236-55-20

  7. Education (Degrees and Diplomas):

    Publications  79 

No. Degree Title Month & Year Awarded Discipline
University, (Institute)
1 Ph.D. May, 2012 Powder Metallurgy & Composite Materials National University of Science and Technology "MISIS"
2 M.D. June, 2008 Powder Metallurgy, Composite Materials, Coatings Department of Powder Metallurgy and Functional Coatings State Technological University “Moscow Institute of Steel & Alloys”
  1. Employment:
Research Scientist Department/Institute Scientific-Educational Center of SHS. National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" December 2012 up to the present
Engineer Scientific-Educational Center of SHS. National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" October 2008 – December 2012
Post-graduate student Scientific-Educational Center of SHS. National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" October 2008 – October 2011
Student Department of Powder Metallurgy & Functional Coatings. State Technological University “Moscow Institute of Steel & Alloys” September 2003 – June 2008
  1. Title of Master's Thesis: Study of interaction of rapidly quenched cast iron electrode with a titanium substrate at electrospark deposition
  2. Title of Ph.D. Thesis: The development of State reference materials and methods of measuring elastic modulus and friction coefficient for control and certification of nanostructured coatings
  3. The Field of Scientific Interest (Key Words): nanostructured materials and coatings, instrumented indentation, scratching and sliding, mechanisms of deformation and fracture
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