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Study of Pressing and Sintering of Gd2HfO5 Powder Obtained by Mechanochemical Synthesis
Inorganic Materials: Applied Research, 2022, 13(4), pp. 936–939;
- Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, A.D. Sytchenko, T.A. Sviridova, D.A. Sidorenko, N.V. Andreev, V.V. Klechkovskaya, J. Polcak, E.A. Levashov
Effects of doping with Zr and Hf on the structure and properties of Mo-Si-B coatings obtained by magnetron sputtering of composite targets
Surface and Coatings Technology, 2022, 442, 128141;
- P.A. Loginov, A.A. Zaitsev, D.A. Sidorenko, E.A. Levashov
Effect of self-assembling WC film upon diamond on adhesion strength with Fe-Co-Ni binder: In situ TEM tensile tests
Scripta Materialia, 2022, 208, 114331;
- A.A. Zaitsev, D. Sidorenko, I. Konyashin
Grain boundaries in WC-Co hardmetals with facetted and rounded WC grains
Materials Letters, 2022, 306, 130941