- D.V.Shtansky, E.A.Levashov, V.I.Kosyanin, N.B.D'yakonova and I.V.Lyasotsky
Structure and Properties of Multicomponent Thin Films Based on Ti-C-N, Ti-Mo-C-N and Ti-B-N, Fizika Met. and Metallov., (in Russian)
1995, v.80, No.5, pp. 120-32, Phys of Met. and Metallogr., (in English)
- I.V.Lyasotsky, D.V.Shtansky, N.B.D'yakonova and N.T.Travina
Epitaxial Growth of TiN Films during Implantation of Ti+ Ions in a N2. Influence of Electron Irradiation on the Film -Substrate Interface
Fizika Met. and Metallov., 1995, v.79, No.3, pp.112-20, (in Russian) Phys of Met. and Metallogr. (in English)