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  1. Иевлев В.М., Домашевская Э.П., Путляев В.И., Третьяков Ю.Д., Баринов С.М., Белоногов Е.К., Костюченко А.В., Петржик М.И., Кирюханцев-Корнеев Ф.В.
    Структура, элементный состав и механические свойства пленок, полученных методом высокочастотного магнетронного распыления гидроксиапатита
    Физика и химия стекла. 2008. Т.34. 5. с.798-807

  2. A.Fabrizi, R.Cecchini, C.Paternoster, Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, S.Spigarelli, M.Cabibbo
    Oxidation behaviour of Ti-Si-B-N and Ti-Al-Si-B-N coatings. 3rd International Conference on Surfaces
    Coatings and Nanostructured Materials (NanoSMat), Barcelona, Spain, 21-24 October, 2008, p. 77

  3. Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, E.A. Levashov, E.A. Vinogradov, D.V. Shtansky
    Structure and properties of Ti-Cr-Al-C-N coatings produced by magnetron sputtering of MAX-phase TixCr2-xAlC targets
    3rd International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials (NanoSMat), Barcelona, Spain, 21-24 October, 2008, p.79

  4. D.V. Shtansky, D.I. Sorokin, I.A. Bashkova, Ph.V. Kiryukhanntsev-Korneev, A.N. Sheveiko, E.A. Levashov
    Multicomponent nanostructured films for various tribological applications
    International Workshop on Advanced Nanostructured Materials and Thin Films for Industrial Applications, November 11-12, 2008, The University of Nottingham, Nottingham UK, book of abstracts, p. 39-40

  5. D.V. Shtansky, E.A. Levashov, Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, A.N. Sheveiko, I.A.Bashkova, A.E. Kudryashov, Yu.S. Pogozhev
    Advanced Composite, Functionally Graded and Nanostructured Materials and Technologies for Their Production
    International Workshop on Advanced Nanostructured Materials and Thin Films for Industrial Applications, November 11-12, 2008, The University of Nottingham, Nottingham UK, book of abstracts, p. 41

  6. Ф.В. Кирюханцев-Корнеев, J.F. Pierson, Д.В. Штанский
    Твёрдые и сверхтвёрдые нанокомпозиционные покрытия nc-CrB2/a-BN
    V Международный междисциплинарный симпозиум «Прикладная синергетика в нанотехнологиях». Москва, Россия, 17-20 Ноября, 2008, Сборник трудов, с. 261-265

  7. C. Paternoster, A. Fabrizi, R. Cecchini, L. Barone, P. Ricci, M. Haidopoulo, Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, A. Sheveyko “Evoluzione dopo trattamento termico di rivestimenti duri a base Ti-B-N”
    24-26 settembre 2008, Convegno Annuale AIM, Ferrara, Italy, Book of abstracts, abst. 139

  8. Ph.V. Kiryukhancev-Korneev, J.F. Pierson
    Characterization of Hard Cr-B-N Thin Films by GDOES, XPS, SIMS, and EPMA
    4th International GD Day, Massy, France, 29 September, 2008 (on CD)

  9. Д. В. Штанский, И. А. Башкова, Ф. В. Кирюханцев-Корнеев, А. Н. Шевейко, Е. А. Левашов, Д. Мур, Н. А. Глушанкова
    Биоактивные керамические танталсодержащие пленки для имплантатов
    Доклады РАН, т. 418, №1, 2008, с. 121-124

  10. D.V. Shtansky, N.A. Gloushankova, I.A. Bashkova, M.A. Kharitonova, T.G. Moizhess, A.N. Sheveiko, Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, A. Osaka, B.N. Mavrin and E.A. Levashov
    Ta-doped multifunctional bioactive nanostructured films
    Surface and Coatings Technology, 202 (2008) 3615–3624

  11. Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, J.F. Pierson, J.P Bauer, E.A. Levashov, D.V. Shtansky
    Structure and properties of hard nanostructured coatings in Cr-B-N system
    EDS Science Journal (submitted) 2008

  12. Ф.В. Кирюханцев-Корнеев, А.Н. Шевейко, Е.А. Левашов, Д.В. Штанский
    Перспективные наноструктурные покрытия для машиностроения
    Вопросы материаловедения, 2 (54) (2008) 187-201

  13. D.V. Shtansky, A.N. Sheveyko, D.I. Sorokin, L.C. Lev, B.N. Mavrin, Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev
    Structure and properties of nanocomposite and multilayer TiCrBN/WSex coatings deposited by ion implantation assisted sputtering of TiCrB and WSe2 targets
    Surface and Coatings Technology, 202 (2008) 5953-5961

  14. Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, J.F. Pierson, A.N. Sheveyko, E.A. Levashov, D.V. Shtansky. Relationship Between Structure and Properties of Hard Cr-B-N Coatings
    1st International conference on functional nanocoatings, Budapest, Hungary, 30 March - 2 April, 2008, p. 69

  15. D.V. Shtansky, N.A. Gloushankova, I. A. Bashkova, Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, A.N. Sheveiko, B.N. Mavrin, A. Osaka, E.A. Levashov
    Multifunctional Bioactive Nanostructured Films
    1st International conference on functional nanocoatings, Budapest, Hungary, 30 March - 2 April, 2008, p. 83

  16. R. Cecchini, C. Paternoster, A. Fabrizi, Ph. V. Kiryukhantseev-Korneev, A.N. Seveyko, S. Spigarelli, E. Evangelista
    Nanoindentation Characterization of Ti-X-B-N Coatings
    1st International conference on functional nanocoatings, Budapest, Hungary, 30 March - 2 April, 2008, p. 136

  17. D.I. Sorokin, Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, A.N. Sheveyko, D.V. Shtansky
    Structure and Properties of Nanocomposite, Multilayered, and Functionally Graded TiCrBN/WSex Coatings
    1st International conference on functional nanocoatings, Budapest, Hungary, 30 March - 2 April, 2008, p. 158

  18. Ф.В. Кирюханцев-Корнеев, А.Н. Шевейко, Е.А. Левашов, Д.В. Штанский
    Многокомпонентные наноструктурные покрытия для работы в экстремальных условиях
    Материалы 1-ой международной конференции «Наноструктурные материалы-2008: Беларусь-Россия-Украина», Минск, Беларусь, 22-25 апреля, 2008, с. 264-265

  19. D.V. Shtansky, A.N. Sheveyko, D.I. Sorokin, L.C. Lev, B.N. Mavrin, Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev
    Structure and properties of Nanocomposite and Multilayered TiCrBN/WSex Coatings Deposited by Ion Implantation Assisted Sputtering of TiCrB and WSe2 targets
    35th International conference on metallurgical coatings and thin films, San-Diego, California, USA, April 28-May 2, 2008, p. 9

  20. C. Paternoster, A. Fabrizi, Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, R. Cecchini, S. Spigarelli, D.V. Shtansky
    Thermal evolution of hard Ti-B-N based coatings deposited on stainless steel
    35th International conference on metallurgical coatings and thin films, San-Diego, California, USA, April 28-May 2, 2008, p.109

  21. D.V. Shtansky, F.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, D.I. Sorokin, A.N. Sheveiko
    TiCrBN and TiCrBN/WSex coatings with enhanced chemical, mechanical and tribological properties
    International conference “Recent Developments in the processing and applications of structural metals and alloys”, Como, Italy, 22-25 June 2008, p. 23

  22. A.Fabrizi, C. Paternoster, R. Cecchini, Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, A. Sheveyko, M.Cabibbo, S.Spigarelli
    Oxidation behaviour and thermal stability of nanocomposited Ti-Al-Si-B-N and Ti-Cr-B-N coatings
    International conference “Recent Developments in the processing and applications of structural metals and alloys”, Como, Italy, 22-25 June 2008, p. 26

  23. Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, A.E. Kutyrev, A.N. Sheveyko, D.V. Shtansky
    Influence of stress on wear- and corrosion resistance of hard Cr-B-N coatings
    International conference “Recent Developments in the processing and applications of structural metals and alloys”, Como, Italy, 22-25 June 2008, p. 29

  24. C. Paternoster, A. Fabrizi, R. Cecchini, S. Spigarelli, Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, A. Sheveyko
    Thermal Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Hard Ti-Cr-B-N and Ti-Al-Si-B-N Coatings
    Surface and Coatings Technology, (In Press) 2008

  25. D.V. Shtansky, N.A. Gloushankova, I.A. Bashkova, Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, A.N. Sheveiko, B.N. Mavrin, A. Osaka, E.A. Levashov
    Design and characterization of multifunctional bioactive nanostructured films for implants
    The 10th International Symposium on Multiscale, Multifunctional and Functionally Graded Materials (FGM2008), Sendai, Japan, September 22-25, 2008, Book of abstracts, p. 23

  26. Dmitry Shtansky, Philip Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, Alexander Sheveiko, Irina Bashkova, Dmitry Sorokin, Evgeny Levashov
    Multicomponent nanocomposite films. From fundamental principles to application, Eleventh International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, September 15-19, 2008, Book of abstracts, p. 269

  27. Patents and Know-How

  28. Е.А. Левашов, Д.В. Штанский, И.А. Башкова, Ф.В. Кирюханцев-Корнеев, А.Н. Шевейко.
    «Танталсодержащие многофункциональные биоактивные наноструктурные покрытия для ортопедических и дентальных имплантатов»
    Зарегистрировано в Депозитарии ноу-хау Отдела ЗИС № 300-164-2008 ОИС от 23 сентября 2008 г.

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